Provide at least your name and email to get your results.
My partner and I have the most wonderful conversations.
I make sure my partner is satisfied sexually.
I am quick to complain and criticise my partner.
My spouse can depend on my word.
I am not living up to what I believe God expects from me.
I am generally happy and positive with everyone.
I question how committed my partner is to our marriage.
I make sure we stay active and keep making new memories together.
I am not always completely honest with my partner
It is not easy for me to forgive my partner.
I frequently think about or bring up past disappointments and hurts.
It is easy for my partner to talk to me about anything at any time.
I try to always say yes to my partner's requests.
I give my partner at least five hours of undivded attention each week.
I give my partner hugs and kisses daily.
I make sure we solve our solvable problems and don't turn pebbles into boulders.
I make sure we spend time with other couples we enjoy being around.
I am confident our marriage will last and be satisfying.
I have some bad habits and behaviors I need to change.
I consistently fulfill my part of roles and responsibilities in our home.
I think and speak positively about my partner.
I usually include my partner when making plans and decisions.
My partner feels like I "get" him/her.
I am compassionate and patient with my partner.
My partner and I are intentional about eating healthily and exercising.
It is easy for me to compromise and come into agreement with my partner.
I often reflect on the good memories we've shared together.
I remind my partner of my love in words and action every day.
I easily acknowledge my faults and apologize.
I am not a confident person.
I am very satisfied with our marriage.
I make sure we celebrate holidays, birthdays, accomplishments, and special traditions in our family.
I do my part to make our marriage fun and enjoyable.
It is easy for me to get upset about things.