Is your marriage Failing?

You're in trouble if...

Are You Doing These Bad Behaviors?

Yelling, arguing in front of the kids, running away, posting negative things on social media, confiding in the opposite sex, withholding sex, silent treatment, bringing up the past, etc.

Don't Become a Divorce Statistic

Researchers have given many estimates of divorce rates in America. Some say that 42-45% of first time marriages end in divorce. 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. But you don’t have to be in this statistic! Face your problems, don’t run from them. In fact, if you run, they go with you. That is why so many second marriages fail.

About Joe

Hi! My name is Joe Follette, Jr. I’m excited that you are here. I help couples on the brink of divorce rediscover their love story and live happily ever after. Is that what you want? Keep reading and I’ll show you how I can help you become the next Sizzling Hot Marriage in town!

Ready To Transform Your Marriage?

With over 30 years of experience helping hundreds of couples learn how to communicate and reconnect, I can help you take your marriage to the next level. My unique approach has been so successful I will give you your money back if you complete 100% of the program and experience no individual and interpersonal growth. I believe in you and I’m confident with the help of my team you can achieve the level of intimacy you’ve dreamed of having.

After A Successful Intervention you get this ...

Your Path to a New Marriage Starts Here

You become a Sizzling Hot Marriage by finding your secure self and becoming 100% committed to doing what it takes to stay happily married the rest of your life. This happens when you get a Sizzle Mindset and establish the 10 marriage mindsets in your marriage. These are the things couples in happy marriages do to stay happy. If you do them, you’ll be happy too! The problem is, you haven’t been taught these principles. I’m here to teach you now. But change doesn’t happen over night. It takes time to heal and mature after lifelong addictions, self-sabotaging thoughts and destructive behaviors. It takes time to change your marriage. This 6-Month coaching program provides an environment to sustain your focus on improving your marriage long enough to make it through the rocky journey of rebuilding your relationship and enduring till death do you part.

Restore Your Intimacy

The interaction of all these treatment modalities helps you experience the mindset shifts needed to erase the negativity, become a loving partnership and create a happy home. This is not a get-fixed-quick program. This 6-month therapy and coaching program will help you learn what it takes to become a harmonious couple and guide you on a wonderful journey to improved communication and deepened intimacy. You will get to know each other better and come to agreement on issues that have kept you apart. You will ensure your marriage lasts as long as you planned when you said “I do”.

Everlasting Love

Program Objectives

Join the Family

Be the next Sizzling Hot Marriage in Town!

What Couples Say

What couples say about the program

"This program has forced us to learn how to communicate with one another. It has taught us skills to sustain our marriage over the long haul."
"Joe is such an inspiration to us, he says what we can't voice, doesn't make us feel we are weird or crazy, make us feel human and we can get past and through things."
Barry and Shelley
'We were not happily married. Because of this program, we were now happily married."
Shanek and Boris
"This course is no joke the real thing. Our marriage was in real trouble but Joe has been amazing. We are actually happily married. Can't believe it!"
Greg & La Quita
Tyran & Roschanda
Keith & Ashley
Barry & Shelly

Marty & Brandy 

Brian & Leslie

Percy & Timetra Wayne & Kellee
Group Testimonial
Boris & Shanek

Make a Deposit Into Your Marriage

Do Something About Your Marriage Now!

Sign up for this awesome program created to help you reignite that passionate fire between you. You can finally stop arguing and create the intimacy and closeness you signed up for. Join the hundreds of couples Joe has helped save thier marriage. Yours can be next!
