Could I Have ASD? A Self-Assessment Checklist for Spouses

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Navigating Self-Discovery: A Self-Assessment Checklist for Spouses Suspecting ASD

Introduction: While professional evaluation is crucial for an official Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis, recognizing symptoms in oneself can be the first step in understanding personal experiences and feelings. If you’ve ever wondered if you might be on the spectrum, this self-assessment checklist can clarify. Remember, this isn’t diagnostic but merely a starting point. Let’s dive in!

ASD Self-Assessment Checklist:

Please note: A “Yes” answer does not confirm ASD but indicates traits associated with the spectrum.

  1. ___ I often struggle to understand non-verbal cues during conversations.
  2. ___ I find it difficult to grasp social norms or unspoken rules.
  3. ___ I prefer routines and get distressed when they’re disrupted.
  4. ___ I have one or a few intense interests I’m passionate about.
  5. ___ I sometimes find it challenging to empathize or see other perspectives.
  6. ___ I often miss sarcasm or jokes in conversations.
  7. ___ Bright lights, loud noises, or certain textures bother me more than they seem to bother others.
  8. ___ I tend to take things very literally and have trouble with abstract concepts.
  9. ___ It’s hard for me to maintain eye contact during conversations.
  10. ___ I prefer to talk about my interests, sometimes dominating the conversation.
  11. ___ I often feel socially isolated or misunderstood.
  12. ___ I find small talk or casual conversations meaningless or challenging.

Results Explanation:

  • 0-4 items checked: While everyone may experience a few ASD-related traits, this range suggests that your experiences might align with neurotypical tendencies. If, however, certain traits significantly impact your daily life, it’s worth discussing with a professional.
  • 5-8 items checked: This range suggests a moderate alignment with some ASD traits. You may have some characteristics commonly found in individuals with ASD.
  • 9-12 items checked: A higher number of checked items indicates a strong alignment with ASD traits. Consider seeking a formal evaluation for a more comprehensive understanding.

Next Steps:

  1. Seek Professional Evaluation: If you believe you might have ASD, consult with a specialist for a formal diagnosis.
  2. Join Support Groups: Engaging with online or offline communities can offer insights and shared experiences.
  3. Educate Yourself: Reading books and reliable online resources about ASD can provide a deeper understanding.

Discussing with Your Partner:

  1. Choose a Good Time: Find a quiet, calm time to discuss your feelings and findings with your spouse.
  2. Be Honest: Share why you think you might have ASD, using specific examples.
  3. Ask for Support: Request understanding and patience as you navigate this self-discovery.
  4. Seek Couples Therapy: If needed, consider attending couples therapy, especially with therapists experienced in ASD.

Conclusion: Understanding oneself better can lead to more profound self-awareness and meaningful relationships. If you suspect you might have ASD, it’s essential to approach the journey with an open mind and a supportive network. Remember, everyone’s experience is unique, and a label or diagnosis is just one part of your multifaceted individual.

To learn more about what steps to take if you suspect that you or your partner may have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), please click on the following link to our next article: What to Do If You Suspect You or Your Partner Has ASD. Understanding and addressing ASD can be a transformative journey for your relationship, and this article will provide you with valuable insights and guidance.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling marriage today! If you’re experiencing challenges in your relationship and suspect that an assessment could provide clarity and guidance, don’t hesitate. Visit to schedule your assessment now. Invest in your relationship, nurture your love, and embark on a journey toward a Sizzling Hot Marriage. Your future together can be brighter, starting with this simple step. Don’t wait; take action today!

See the full list of posts on ASD in marriage.

Picture of Joe Follette, Jr., M.Div., M.S., LMFT

Joe Follette, Jr., M.Div., M.S., LMFT

Joe Follette, Jr., a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 25 years of experience, founded Lifestyle Therapy & Coaching in Huntsville, Alabama. He combines his background as a former pastor with his therapeutic expertise to help adults achieve fulfilling marriages. He works with individuals, couples, families, and more. He offers virtual therapy with programs and courses designed to treat specific challnges. Pick up a copy of his free book, "Don't Give Up On Love," to become a better you in your relationships. Joe is known for his positivity, warm personality, and commitment to helping clients live their best lives. Book a free 15-minute Clarity Call with Joe to begin your journey to healing and growth.

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